Baba Plus is Hint

highlight the white areas for the hint

you don't neceserially have to use the hints in order


Okay, what's going on?: introduces new rules, explains the premise of the level.

How do I win?: explains the end goal.

nudge: small hints that can spark ideas.

Specific Hint: a hint that points you towards a specific part, aspect, or mechanic of the level.

Super Hint: a large hint that pushes you forward.

Followup Hint: a hint that needs the previous nudge or hint for context, usually helps with the part, aspect, or mechanic that the previous hint or nudge mentions.

Level 1: Greens

Okay, what's going on?

This level has "locked". it prevents object from moving in the specified direction. for example, the rock cant be moved down.

How do I win?

Form rock is you, walk to the flag.

Small nudge:

You can only move the text down.

Meduim nudge:

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to move the pesky hedge under the text "hedge"?

Level 2: Time Rift

How do I win?


What else do I do?

Look at the world map. What character is controllable?

Okay, what's going on?

The text "Back" undoes an object's movements. "Level is auto" automatically waits turns for you.

Tiny nudge:

It'll be nice to break the statement "Pipe is stop" but a wall is in the way.

Small nudge:

You break the statement "Wall is push" at the start. How can you reform it?

Medium nudge:

Whenever you form "Text is back", it rewinds until the statement wasn't formed. How do you keep the statement formed, while rewinding all other text?

Super hint:

You need to form "Text N O T O N cog is back" and position the statement on 9 cogs, so all text on cogs is safe, but you don't have enough cogs. How do you get more?

Followup Hint:

What happens when you make something two things at once?

Level 3: Loose Grip

Okay, what's going on?

"Idle skull is move" means when you wait a turn, the skull moves.

How do I win?

Remove "not" from "Hand is not win" and make "Hand is win".

Tiny nudge:

First, how do you get across the water to the other side?

What does the thing in the top right do?

Forming the three statements at the top right will destroy the cog blocking "Text is weak". It will also move baba to create "All is not you".

Specific Hint:

"All is not you" is on bricks. Making "Text is weak" will destroy the text on the bricks, but baba will form "All is not you" before you can get to "Text is weak". How do you form it anyways?

Level 4: Relative Position

Okay, what's going on?

Two doors barricade the left and right side. And also... "All is not win"? Hmmm... there must be a way around it.

How do I win?

"All" doesn't include everything. What isn't included in "All", and how do you make it win?

Tiny nudge:

You unlock the doors with the skulls and key. It is required.

Medium nudge:

"Level near X" checks if the object is in the level, but what else does it check? (also, level is not included in "all")

Super Hint:

Change the level "Loose Grip" into something else.

Followup Hint:

Change "Loose Grip" into a skull.

How do I get to level 5?

Use the baba from "Time Rift"

Followup Hint:

Change "Relative Position" into something else.

Level 5: Left Brain, Right Brain

Okay, what is going on?

You control two babas on different sides of a lava river. Rocks can destroy lava tiles.

How do I win?

Get both babas on top of eachother. Make a path through the lava river with rocks.

Small nudge:

This level is all about movement. How can you offset one baba from another?

Medium nudge:

You can get the rock on the far right by lowering the top baba, and keeping the bottom baba in place.

Specific Hint:

Change "Rock is push" so it faces down, and touches the bottom of the level. How can you use this to your advantage?

Level Bonus 1: Reds

#add something here12312313127312489164946819649648916

Level Bonus 2: Absolute Position

Okay, what's going on?

It's the same thing as "Relative Position", but it's not next to "Loose grip", and you have an extra "tree" text.

How do I win?

Make "level near X is win". You did this already.

Small nudge:

Opening the doors is still required, but don't open them all immediately.

Medium nudge:

"Level near X" checks for objects adjecent to the level on the world map, but what else does it check?

Specific Hint:

Duplication is involved.